
Friday, October 30, 2015

Happy Halloween!

I didn't write anything this Halloween, but here's the picture I drew instead! Stay safe if you're trick or treating this year, and I hope your Halloween is as spooky and fun as you want it to be!

Some of the letters(not all) were inspired by spooky/Halloween related themes. Can you guess the ones I used? Bonus points to anyone who can guess the special cameos in there. ;) Also, if you can't see well, the cat's pouncing on a leaf, and one gravestone says Boo while the other has the face of a ghost on it. Then the two things floating around are leaves. Happy Halloween guys! Stay safe!

Edit: Added a little more color. Here's the picture with the finished touch! Now the witch is walking in front of a white wall; where it ends, the fence starts. 

PS: I would have made it a grey stone wall, but that would have been too hard to draw. ^.^' So it's just a white wall now. :P


    When I was first looking at it I was like "ooh, the ghost A is cool! Whoa and I love the y! And the other A!! OMLI HOW DOES SHE DRAW PUMOINS SO WELL???? AND THE CAT??? WHOA THOSE LEAVES ARE SO COOL AND THE TREE IS TOTES MY GOATS APPLESACUE!" I just got more and more excited!
