Do you see it?
How about now? Know what it is? No, I didn't get that close. I zoomed first, when I took the picture, then cropped it.
Is it better to see now? It's a bee. A huge bee. That red oval is highlighting the hole it was heading to. Those bees are carpenter/bumble bees that EAT WOOD. And they made a nest right in my backyard. In that decaying tree trunk.
I am terrified of bees. O.O
ReplyDeleteIt's nice how you gave us pictures of trees and nature:)
ReplyDeleteMy dad's dad used to keep bees. I think we still have some of his honey somewhere . . . Or maybe not. He's dead now:( Buty dad still likes bees and honey and stuff .
. Wasps are horrible though.
I'm sorry to hear about your dad's dad(your grandfather). I'm okay with bees, but I agree that wasps are horrible.
DeleteAnd thanks. These were taken in my front and backyards. I've got lots of trees growing. Some of them are even fruit trees. :)